Our Mission Statement
Responsibility for our customers, our staff and the region
ALHO – it fits! Our name stands not only for the high quality of our products in modular construction and for a company that is continuing to develop, but also for our sense of responsibility in our dealings with every aspect of our product: our customers, suppliers, employees and the environment.
The satisfaction of our customers, employees and partners defines the success of our company. This is why, at ALHO, we want to develop further together efficiently and with a clear goal so that we can steady increase the earning power of the company for the benefit of all. In this, the aspects of safety at work and protecting the environment are an integral component of everything we do.
We encourage creativity and the imagination to develop intelligent solutions and thus provide the scope for the continuous improvement of our products and processes.
Our goals
On the basis of our corporate mission statement, we develop specific goals for each financial year. These corporate goals provide a guideline for every division at ALHO and are binding for our day-to-day work. The degree to which they are achieved determines the satisfaction of our customers and thus the success of our company.
Satisfied customers
We want to offer our customers the best possible advantage, by advising them expertly and individually, as a partner they can rely on and through the services that we offer. In this, we offer and meet fixed deadlines and provide innovative, flexibly designed products to a level of quality that is exactly what our customers expect. We are committed to complying with the relevant laws and regulations and abide by the principles of quality management and health and safety in the workplace.

An expert workforce
Our behaviour towards our employees is based on a strong mutual respect. No matter what their position and function may be, we want to offer a high level of social security. We promote personal and professional development through our advanced training and continuing professional development measures. We create good working conditions and comply absolutely with occupational health and safety requirements. We provide a framework that allows our employees to participate actively in improving working conditions, so that we can further develop occupational safety together. As part of our Company Health Management scheme, we are continuously improving working conditions and offer attractive facilities in terms of health and wellbeing in the workplace. We encourage our employees to bring their own ideas and creativity to the decision-making process at an early stage.
Reliable partners
We work in partnership with our suppliers and subcontractors and communicate with them openly and fairly. We aim to work with our partners to further develop our processes so that together we can guarantee outstanding quality and customer satisfaction. In this, we take care to ensure that the ALHO standards of occupational health and safety and of environmental protection are also applied by our suppliers and subcontractors.

Optimised processes
Efficient processes from customer contact through project handling to final acceptance are solidly embedded in our management system. Defined standards allow us to provide reproducible, transparent services for our customers. We are able to keep on improving our processes by consistently applying the methodological approach of Lean Management. The focus here is on quality, productivity and customer orientation. As part of the control of our processes, it is also important to structure the use of resources, such as raw materials, equipment, products or energy, on an efficient basis. Our group-wide energy management system is an important pillar in this.
Future-proof buildings
Our aim is to develop and construct buildings for our customers that are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and highly future-proof so that they represent a secure investment for our customers in the long term. The self-supporting steel frame carcase structure ensures long-term flexibility. Changes of use can be implemented very easily. With standardised processes and systematised, catalogued detail solutions, we provide our customers with reproducible quality and highly economically efficient building concepts. Our modular construction system is based on the unrivalled quality of steel as a sustainable material. Almost no other building material is as suitable for sustainable building. The low requirement for primary raw materials and the energy-saving manufacture of steel building products protect the earth's natural resources and ease the burden on the environment. Life cycle cost analyses prove the sustainability of ALHO buildings.

Commitment to society
As a family-owned company with a tradition dating back over 50 years, we are aware of our obligation to the locations of our sites and, as one of the largest employers, we are responsible for the people in our region. We are therefore very involved in social, environmental and socio-political matters. Part of this is also that we "sustainably" meet the needs of the environment and comply with legal and official requirements. There are many aspects to our commitment to society: for example, over 45 young people are currently training at ALHO. We have invested in the future with our ALHO Training Centre – an apprenticeship workshop allowing construction mechanics to train in their own premises.